Add a Social Links Menu

Social media icons can be displayed on your site in different ways. These small social media buttons link to services like Twitter and Facebook, allowing visitors to quickly access your social profiles. Our themes offer a special custom menu for adding your social media icons, and this page explains how to set up that type of social links menu your theme.

How do I set up a social links menu?

The first step is to create a new custom menu, by heading to Customize → Menus by click on the “Add a Menu” button. Unless your theme documentation specifies otherwise, you can name your menu anything you like. We typically name the menu “Social Links”. Click “Create Menu”.

After you’ve created your menu, you’ll need to assign the menu to the themes “Social Links Menu” menu location. Do this by checking the “Social Links Menu” option under Menu Locations.

Creating social links

Now that a menu has been created and assigned to a menu location, you can start creating menu items for each of your social profiles. Begin doing this by clicking on “Add Items” button. Each menu item should be added as a Custom Link. Enter in the URL to your social profile and give it a link title for reference. Our themes will automagically display the correct icon based on the URL. For example, a link like will display a Twitter icon because the theme has detected it is a URL pointing to Twitter.

Which icons are supported?

The following icons are typically bundled in each theme for use in your social links menu: Amazon, Apple/iTunes, Bandcamp, Facebook, Flickr, Google Play, Google+, Instagram,, LinkedIn, Mixcloud, Pinterest, Rdio, ReverbNation, SoundCloud, Spotify, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, VK, WordPress, Yelp, and YouTube.